Chris Adams - 2016
This is a simple little robot made from
a cheap toy remote control car.

the "Thunder Tumbler" costs about $15 new

Toy car with Realtek RX2(RX2B)chip removed
This RX2 was a surface mount chip. I drilled very small holes through the
circuit board pads to attach wires.
PWM ports connected to on board H-bridge
RX2 pin 7 pad to D5
RX2 pin 6 pad to D6
RX2 pin 10 pad to D10
RX2 pin 11 pad to D11
using Arduino Pro-mini
Any Arduino can be used. The Pro-Mini is cheap, but requires an additional
USB board to program it.
micro switches on front and rear bumpers
Front bumper switches to D2
Rear bumper switches to D3
smaller drive wheels added to reduce speed
Original drive wheels were 3.75 inch diameter. New wheels are 1.75 inches.
jumper on top of pro-mini bridges A4-A5
(install to disable 15 hit limit)
I soldered a 2 pin header
in provided holes on top side of Pro-Mini. (optional)
extra AA battery in series with 4 AA batteries in car connected to Vin
With 4 batteries, you can only use alkaline batteries. Rechargeable NiMHs or
alkalines can be used with 5 batteries.
This robot is programmed to follow these rules
Start when front green bumper is tapped
front bumper hits something, go BACKWARD
back bumper hits something, go FORWARD
After 2 hits, spin around and go FORWARD again
no bumper hits for 30 seconds, stop moving
Stop moving after 15 hits
Flash LED light when stopped
Arduino Code
Cost to build $12
Used radio control car Salvation Army thrift store
$3.99 Arduino
ProMini computer MicroCenter
$4.00 Microswitches
4 @ $1.00 Ebay
$2.00 Misc hardware
if you
don't want to solder to the ProMini pins, you could use Nano breakout board with
screw terminals. Be careful, labels don't match the ProMini pins.
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